Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 113

  • New User Guide 2022. Install Raspberry Pi OS (bullseye) and discover all the features of Raspberry Pi with our starter guide. Plus! Discover electronics, camera support, and accessories.
  • Build a binary clock. Use your binary skills to tell the time with this neat programming project.
  • Raspberry Pi gaming special. Discover a world of entertainment by playing Linux games on Raspberry Pi.
  • Build a simple weather station. Use sensors to measure temperature, humidity and ultraviolet light and build a simple weather sensing station.
  • Composite video on Zero 2 W. Connect your Raspberry Pi to an old television with our guide to using Zero 2 W’s test pads. Scratch resources. Discover the best way to learn to program with Scratch.
  • Old School Minitel Laptop. Repurposing a terminal used for an innovative 1980s online service.
  • Win! Five PicoSystem consoles up for grabs.

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