Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 53

Discover the joy of programming on your Raspberry Pi! Take pictures and video in easy steps turns an idle Raspberry Pi into a force for science with a little help from Google.

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Surprise! Buyers of the print edition get an amazing live booting DVD so you can use Debian + PIXEL on your PC! Test out the Raspberry Pi user experience on an old computer or laptop today…

issue53-mock-dvd Get the Debian + PIXEL experience on your ‘big’ computer on DVD with the print edition!


Apologies for the following errata in The MagPi 53If you spot any errors in our books or magazines please email  us via errata@raspberrypi.orgThis list also appears on the Raspberry Pi forum.

On page 18, the code block:

		 name = "Polly"

print(name + “ put the kettle on) print(name + “ put the kettle on) print(name + “ put the kettle on) print(“We’ll all have tea”) <table class="crayon-table"> <td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="hide"> <div class="crayon-nums-content" style="font-size: 14px !important; line-height: 16px !important;"><div class="crayon-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-1">1<div class="crayon-num crayon-striped-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-2">2<div class="crayon-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-3">3<div class="crayon-num crayon-striped-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-4">4<div class="crayon-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-5">5<div class="crayon-num crayon-striped-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-6">6 <td class="crayon-code"><div class="crayon-pre" style="font-size: 14px !important; line-height: 16px !important; -moz-tab-size:4; -o-tab-size:4; -webkit-tab-size:4; tab-size:4;"><div class="crayon-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-1">name=“Polly”<div class="crayon-line crayon-striped-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-2"> <div class="crayon-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-3">printname+” put the kettle on)<div class="crayon-line crayon-striped-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-4">print(name + “put kettle )<div class="crayon-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-5">printname+” put the kettle on)<div class="crayon-line crayon-striped-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8e5788926039-6">print(“’ll have “)

This should be

		 name = "Polly"

print(name + “ put the kettle on”) print(name + “ put the kettle on”) print(name + “ put the kettle on”) print(“We’ll all have tea”) <table class="crayon-table"> <td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="hide"> <div class="crayon-nums-content" style="font-size: 14px !important; line-height: 16px !important;"><div class="crayon-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-1">1<div class="crayon-num crayon-striped-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-2">2<div class="crayon-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-3">3<div class="crayon-num crayon-striped-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-4">4<div class="crayon-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-5">5<div class="crayon-num crayon-striped-num" data-line="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-6">6 <td class="crayon-code"><div class="crayon-pre" style="font-size: 14px !important; line-height: 16px !important; -moz-tab-size:4; -o-tab-size:4; -webkit-tab-size:4; tab-size:4;"><div class="crayon-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-1">name=“Polly”<div class="crayon-line crayon-striped-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-2"> <div class="crayon-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-3">printname+” put the kettle on”)<div class="crayon-line crayon-striped-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-4">printname+” put the kettle on”)<div class="crayon-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-5">printname+” put the kettle on”)<div class="crayon-line crayon-striped-line" id="crayon-5d83625c9c8f8368341682-6">print“We’ll all have tea”)

On page 23, the code block:

This should be:

On Page 23 the phrase “The brief for our FizzBuzz is to print the numbers from 1 to 100” should read “to print the numbers up to 100.”

The FizzBuzz code on Page 25 displays numbers from 0 to 99. If you want to create a FizzBuzz program that meets the brief, change:


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