Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 56

Get into digital making with some fun projects you can try today: the best and safest ways to power your Raspberry Pi, make your own LED thermometer, use a DJ controller to mix a visual masterpiece

Need more details? View the contents pages for info on every article. Here’s a zip of all the code in this issue

You can buy The MagPi in all good newsagents, as well as high street stores, including:

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In the Raspberry Pi OS Gallery feature, we listed ‘not including a graphical package manager’ as a con for Raspbian. Raspbian PIXEL does actually include a package manager. We’ve fixed this in the PDF and digital editions but the printed versions still has this mistake.

The MagPi is freely licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC 3.0).

You can download this issue free now and forever, but buying in digital & print supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s charitable mission to democratise computing.

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