Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 57

We’re extremely excited to share the latest issue, it’s a very special one bundled with an exclusive project kit from Google. Called AIY Projects, the free hardware kit enables you to add voice interaction to your Raspberry Pi projects!

Use your free AIY Projects kit to build a cardboard device that uses the Google Assistant SDK to answer questions, like “how far away is the Moon?” or “what is 18 percent of 92?”. You can also register natural language voice commands, such as “turn the lights on”, or “robot, turn right and move forwards” to control your creations. 

And it gets better. As of this issue our American retailers will be receiving their issues at exactly the same time as the UK. No more 5 week old issues for you!

Also inside

Get the gear you need with the makers’ toolkit

Need more details? View the contents pages for info on every article.

The MagPi is freely licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC 3.0).

You can download this issue free now and forever, but buying in digital & print supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s charitable mission to democratise computing.


Page 28 Step 10 and Page 30 Step 3. The instructions for setting up the AIY Projects tell you to rename the Assistant API authentication file to client_secrets.json and the Cloud Speech authentication file to credentials.json.

The instructions on aiyprojects.withgoogle.com say to rename them assistant.json and cloud_speech.json. Google updated the file names for the authentication.

Both methods work, but we suggest going with with the aiyprojects.withgoogle.com nomenclature as it is more recent.

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