Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 67


Discover the joys of Retro Computing and turn your Raspberry Pi into a C64, Amiga, BBC Micro, or any number of classic computers. And learn how to put a Raspberry Pi inside an old Sinclair Spectrum for the ultimate retro-modern machine. All in this month’s edition of The MagPi.

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All this inside The MagPi #67

  • Retro Computing. Rediscover classic computers with Raspberry Pi
  • Pi Security. Use Tor and Pi Hole to protect yourself online
  • Build a Geiger counter. Measure radiation with Raspberry Pi
  • Lunchbox arcade. A tiny lunchbox-sized arcade machine
  • Wii controller. Use Wii Nunchucks with your Raspberry Pi
  • And much, much more!

Need more details? View the contents pages for info on every article.

You can buy The MagPi in all good newsagents, as well as high street stores, including:

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The MagPi is freely licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC 3.0).

You can download this issue free now and forever, but buying in digital & print supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s charitable mission to democratise computing.


Pi Bakery, P48. The ‘Bits in the variable “Matrix” ‘ reference in Figure 3 should read: “0 = Blocked” and “1 = Cleared”.

We have removed the tutorial on hacking a lamp that was originally on page 50 as it has been brought to our attention that it is potentially dangerous.

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