Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 68
Discover the new Raspberry Pi 3B+ in the April 2018 edition of The MagPi – The Official Raspberry Pi magazine.
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All this inside The MagPi #68
- Raspberry Pi 3B+. We fully benchmark the faster Raspberry Pi 3B+. Includes an interview with the engineering team and amazing project ideas for the faster computer.
- Build Amazing Battle Robots. Get ready for Pi Wars 2018 with our guide to winning the Raspberry Pi robotic competition.
- Create a Raspberry Pi smart fan. Keep your cool by hacking a fan with a Raspberry Pi.
- The Pi Switch. Hack Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons to work with a Raspberry Pi retro gaming system.
- Code a Minecraft House. Build your own house in Minecraft with Python.
- And much, much more!
Need more details? View the contents pages for info on every article.
You can buy The MagPi in all good newsagents, as well as high street stores, including:
Page 8, OpenAuto. “As far as I know, all Android Auto POCs use GStreamer to render the video stream.” Reader Michał Szwaj has offered more information: “OpenAuto does not use GStreamer for the video projection due to issues with performance. Instead of GStreamer, OpenAuto uses OpenMAX API for video decoding, which allows it to use GPU VideoCore4 resources.”
The maker of the Pixel electromechanical display featured in a project showcase is Gavan Fantom, not Fortune.