Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 76

With Christmas right around the corner, we thought we’d update our Raspberry Pi beginner’s guide for all the new makers getting a Raspberry Pi under their tree this year. Meet: the Superguide.

Plus! We have a full breakdown of the brand new Raspberry Pi 3A+. We’ve got all the benchmarks you’d want, along with an interview with Eben Upton and Roger Thornton on the development of the 3A+.

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All this inside The MagPi 76

  • Code Pac-Man in Pygame Zero
  • Create some festive smart lights
  • Meet Nybble, the robotic cat
  • Our pick of ten great Pi Christmas gifts
  • And much more!

Need more details? View the contents page for a complete list of what’s in the mag.

You can buy The MagPi in all good newsagents, as well as high street stores, including:

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The MagPi is freely licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC 3.0).

You can download this issue free now and forever, but buying in digital & print supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s charitable mission to democratise computing.


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