Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 83

Introducing Raspberry Pi 4.

With up to 4GB RAM, a faster 1.5GHz ARM CPU, dual 4K HDMI support, faster USB 3.0 connections, and Gigabit Ethernet, Raspberry Pi 4 is a generational leap forward.

In this extra-special edition of The MagPi, we have a huge 12-page feature examining every aspect of Raspberry Pi 4. Benchmark tests show a vast increase in performance, all thanks those improved specs (which we cover in-depth). We’ve also got an interview with Eben Upton on the making of Raspberry Pi 4, plus Simon Long talks about Raspbian ‘Buster’, the all-new version of the OS that powers Raspberry Pi.

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Plus! All this inside The MagPi 83

  • Apollo 50. Science in Space Celebrate 50 years since the moon landing with Raspberry Pi space and science projects
  • Get started with PICO-8 Turn a Raspberry Pi into a classic console and make your own games
  • Self-healing Raspberry Pi Add a recovery partition to Raspbian and restore a Raspberry Pi to its fresh state
  • Make a Squeeze controller Turn dynamo torches into squeezable controllers
  • Advanced GUI layout Continue learning interface development with Simon Long’s course
  • Top 10 Raspberry Pi Zero projects Incredible fun makes using the Raspberry Pi Zero board
  • The best upcycling resources Restore old pieces of kit and hardware with this guides
  • Win! Raspberry Pi 4 kits Get your hands on the new Raspberry Pi 4 computer
  • Plus! Much, much more!

Need more details. View the contents page for a complete list of what’s in the mag.

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