Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 86
Inside the latest issue of The MagPi you’ll find 25 Powerful Raspberry Pi projects that really show what our favourite computer is capable of. You’ll learn to make autonomous yachts, AI sorting machines, radical robots, medical projects, space rovers, football bots, and more.
It’s the ideal next step for makers who’ve completed all the beginner projects, and now want a challenge.
Plus! All this inside The MagPi issue #86:
- Make a frighteningly good Halloween costume Spookify your projects with these frighteningly good hacks
- Learn to code with Scratch 3 and SenseHAT Easy programming with the latest block-based programming language
- The 10 best retro-gaming kits and accessories Turn a Raspberry Pi into a games console, arcade machine and more
- How to control a low-cost robot Create code that’ll control the motors on a low-cost robot. All is explained in easy steps
- Remote control over the internet with VNC Viewer and VNC Server Access Raspberry Pi from anywhere in the world
- Make retro game music with PICO-8 How to make fantastic music and sound effects for your games
- The Dride Zero for Raspberry Pi dash-cam kit Learn about the Dride dash-cam using Raspberry Pi
- Take a tour of Stonehenge Skyscape The world’s most famous rocks are using Raspberry Pi to give tourists a virtual tour
- Plus! Win five RockyBorg robots!
Need more details? View the contents page for a complete list of what’s in the mag.
The MagPi is freely licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC 3.0).
You can download this issue free now and forever, but buying in digital & print supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s charitable mission to democratise computing.