Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 89
Discover the best Raspberry Pi tips, tools, kits and gadgets in the latest edition of The MagPi magazine.
All this inside The MagPi magazine issue #89…
50 Raspberry Pi Tips & Tools. Beef up your maker skills in 2020 with our guide to all the tools you need. From soldering kits to 3D printers; this feature has everything you need to prototype and build incredible projects.
Raspberry Pi kit & gadget guide. Discover the best cases, keyboards, speakers, starter kits, games accessories and robots. Plus amazing HAT (hardware attached on top) add-ons that quickly give your Raspberry Pi extra features.
Connect a classic computer to the web. Fancy taking your old Atari ST online? PJ Evans has a tutorial that uses an RS232 receiver to take classic machines onto the internet.
Build a smart robot. Use OpenCV to add computer vision to a wheeled-robot.
Assemble a smart classroom assistant. Create AI in Scratch to discover how machine learning works.
Design a 3D printer pendant. Use BlocksCAD on Raspberry Pi to design a pendant that can be 3D printed.
Learn R with Raspberry Pi. Beloved by computer scientists, R is a language used to process large amounts of data. Discover how to learn R using Raspberry Pi.
The best projects! From the Aquatic Mini Observation System to Cheeseborg, a grilled-cheese making robot. We’ve got all the best projects this month.
Plus! Win one of five Raspberry Pi 4 and black and grey Official Case kits.