Raspberry Pi Official Magazine — Issue 90

Get your free Raspberry Pi 4 Stand with the print edition of The MagPi issue #90. Plus! How to overclock Raspberry Pi 4 and the best cooling cases tested!

All this inside The MagPi magazine issue #90…

-Overclock Raspberry Pi 4. Run Raspberry Pi faster with our guide to updating the config settings to boost the speed.

-Cooling cases tested. Gareth gets his thermal camera out and tests a range of passive and active cooling cases. Discover the best way to keep your Raspberry Pi cool.

-Build the ultimate magic mirror. Use a Raspberry Pi touch screen display and an A5 observation mirror to build a spectacular voice-enabled magic mirror.

-New Year; New Projects. Get inspired to make something in 2020 with our guide to inspirational projects.

-WeatherMan. Martin Mander has turned a classic Sony Walkman into a weather-predicting smart device. A shiny music box with a clear door for a screen proves an ideal upcycling candidate for an eighties tech fan

-Tri-Lasers for Felines. This robotic laser pointer keeps the modern cat entertained.

-3D-print your own keyring. Use BlocksCAD to design a 3D-printed keyring.

-Learn Python with Raspberry Pi. It’s the one language you absolutely must learn. PJ Evans picks the best Python resources out there.

-Raspberry Pi Recovery Kit! Jay Doscher’s tough Raspberry Pi can be used in the most extreme weather conditions.

-Plus! Win one of five ProtoDock add-on kits.

Please note: Raspberry Pi 4 Stand is NOT included with digital edition.


P.73 Due to a PDF-rendering error, the chart legend displayed the incorrect colour for the Argon One result. It should be yellow, not green. This has been corrected on the latest PDF.

P.90. Build the Ultimate Magic Mirror. The software installation script in the article no longer exists. Instructions for the new script are located here on GitHub. Thanks to Darren Hill.

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