Binary Bizet - Sonic Pi
In this month’s guide we’re going to bring a classical operatic dance piece straight into the 21st century, using the awesome power of code…
Binary Bizet - Sonic Pi
In this month’s guide we’re going to bring a classical operatic dance piece straight into the 21st century, using the awesome power of code…
Pi Zero Retro Gaming System
Spanner Spencer wasted no time hooking up the Pi Zero’s RCA connection to a classic cathode ray tube television. The Pi Zero Retro Gaming system is the real deal…
30 minute projects part 2
Want a quick project to do? Here are some more fun, short things to do with your Raspberry Pi!
30 minute projects part 1
Have a bit of spare time this Saturday? Why not make something quick and fun with your Raspberry Pi?
Remote Control Spy Rover
Fancy turning an old toy into a remote-control spy? Lucy Hattersley talks to Stratos Botsaris about his Spy Rover project
The Story Train
Motivate children to read by using the Story Train to turn the pages of an electronic book
Not a spin-off Saturday morning cartoon, RPiKids is a new entertainment system built for Adrian Atwood’s children
Bare Conductive Touch Board Starter Kit review
With slick presentation, is the Touch Board the conductive marvel Bare Conductive has promised?
Share internet to the Raspberry Pi Zero
Use one Raspberry Pi to share its internet with a Pi Zero through the GPIO ports, using Point-to-Point Protocol
Raspimower Dalek
Ron Ostafichuk set out to build a robot lawnmower and ended up with a fully automated Dalek (you know how it is)
Do more with your #PiZero in The MagPi 42
Also find out what the ten best Pi HATs are and how to make your very own HAT
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