Get the Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book, anywhere in the world!
From the pages of The MagPi, the Projects Book is 200 pages of Raspberry Pi tutorials, projects and features that have never previously been printed
Get the Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book, anywhere in the world!
From the pages of The MagPi, the Projects Book is 200 pages of Raspberry Pi tutorials, projects and features that have never previously been printed
SPi-Box review
A very simple solution to creating a motion-detecting security device that won’t break the bank
Experiment with the Sense HAT in the new MagPi Essentials book
The heart of the Astro Pi is available to all, and our new Essentials ebook can help you use the Sense HAT to its fullest
Musical Minecraft
This month Sonic Pi creator, Sam Aaron, makes much more than just music…
SeeMore - parallel computing sculpture
Powered by a cluster of 256 Raspberry Pis, Virginia Tech’s stunning kinetic sculpture gives a visual representation of how parallel processing works
Pingometer - Everyday Engineering
Solve real-world electronic and engineering problems with your Raspberry Pi and the help of renowned technology hacker and author, Simon Monk
Where to get MagPi 40 in the USA
Our special Raspberry Pi Zero is starting to hit Stateside - here's where you might be able to grab a copy…
Magic Mirror
Mirror mirror on the wall, what’s the weather going to be like today? Should I bring an umbrella?
Skycademy in the wild
In August of this year, The Raspberry Pi Foundation provided a course for 24 educators in high-altitude ballooning. Here, one of them puts his training into action…
Amaze the maze - Pi bakery
Explore the complexity of a moving-barrier maze and let your Raspberry Pi help you navigate it
New Year, New You part 2
Part two of our feature that can give you some inspiration on how to make a Pi-powered fresh start in 2016
New Year, New You part 1
It’s the start of a new year, and (hopefully) the start of a new you. Start 2016 as you mean to go on with these amazing projects…
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