Where to get MagPi 40 in the USA

By Russell Barnes. Posted

Our special Raspberry Pi Zero is starting to hit Stateside - here's where you might be able to grab a copy…

To all the patient American readers who have been waiting for a copy of issue 40, we're pleased to tell you that they're now turning up all over the country. To help you track down a copy of your own, we've put together a map of places that should be stocking issues, namely a large selection of Barnes & Noble and Micro Center stores:

Now we must warn you it's not a live map of stock of the magazine. We absolutely cannot guarantee that any or all of the places on this map will have stock. We've already heard of a few places selling out so we highly recommend ringing ahead so that you can avoid a wild goose chase.

#40 Subscriptions

No matter where you are in the world, if you're still unable to find issue 40 near you, our subscription offer for #40 is still open: subscribe today to get #40, your free Raspberry Pi Zero and a cable bundle! You must specify that you want issue #40 when you subscribe and your subscription will skip a copy (#41) so you can catch up and receive the very latest issue when it arrives at the end of this month.

Check out our subscription page for more information and good hunting!

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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