The best Raspberry Pi Starter Kits
New to Raspberry Pi? Here are some essential Raspberry Pi beginner’s kits…perfect for new starters.
The best Raspberry Pi Starter Kits
New to Raspberry Pi? Here are some essential Raspberry Pi beginner’s kits…perfect for new starters.
Nybble: the open-source kitten
Raspberry Pi robotic cat leaps onto IndieGogo. By Lucy Hattersley
The best Minecraft with Raspberry Pi resources
David Crookes looks at the resources that help you find your way around this sandbox video game
Pygame Zero: Space Invaders II
Space Invaders must be the first computer game that springs to mind for a lot of people. Our advanced Space Invaders code has all the extras
Build a 433MHz radio chat device
Add a cheap 433MHz radio to your Raspberry Pi to send wireless messages without WiFi and operate remote-control main sockets
The 10 best Raspberry Pi cases
Keep your Raspberry Pi safe with one of these cases
The 75 Greatest Raspberry Pi Projects in The MagPi #75
Discover the greatest projects ever made in the latest edition of The MagPi magazine
Kitty Ears review
Introduction to soldering: Kitty Ears is the perfect introduction to solder skills for children
Make a laundry-saving Rain Detector
Save your washing from a soaking. This easy-to-build wire-free rain detector alerts you to sudden downpours
Picade Review
The new Picade model is sleeker with a host of improved features. Phil King relives his misspent youth down the arcades
Build a laptop with Raspberry Pi
Turn a $35 Raspberry Pi into a laptop computer with a PiTFT display and miniature keyboard
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, paper, scissors for the modern day? Nicola King investigates a very contemporary twist on an old favourite
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