Sotheby's: The Erwin Tomash Library on the History of Computing
Sotheby's: The Erwin Tomash Library on the History of Computing
A robot made from a hoverboard and an old table? Nicola King investigates the fascinating world of upcycled bots
Space weather station
Alex Schwarz uses the Raspberry Pi as part of an effort to better observe and predict the effects of space weather. David Crookes grabs an umbrella
BBC Computer Literacy archive
The 1980s was a golden era for home computing. Let’s explore it all over again, says Rosie Hattersley
Make your own video games in The MagPi #73
Design, create and distribute your own games with a Raspberry Pi
Colour-coded Pi Zero W boards
Smart Mirror powered by Raspberry Pi
Build your own mini smart mirror to display the temperature and humidity
Raspberry Pi PoE HAT review
Power your Raspberry Pi directly from a PoE-capable Ethernet socket
Programming Minecraft Pi with Wolfram Language
Combining Wolfram Language and Minecraft provides a fun playground for learning coding
Beocreate 4-Channel Amplifier review
Upcycle vintage speakers into the digital age with this audiophile-grade HAT amplifier from Bang & Olufsen
Coral reefs are threatened by divers and climate change, but one organisation hopes to save them by using a Raspberry Pi as an underwater ‘weather station’. David Crookes reports
Robot Glockenspiel
This Robot Glockenspiel project strikes a chord for its clever use of Sonic Pi and LEGO to make sweet music, as David Crookes discovers
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