Sales soar and Raspberry Pi beats Commodore 64
Raspberry Pi becomes third best-selling general purpose computer of all time
Sales soar and Raspberry Pi beats Commodore 64
Raspberry Pi becomes third best-selling general purpose computer of all time
Sonic Pi - additive synthesis
Did you know you can design sounds on Sonic Pi? Sam Aaron shows us how...
PiDay: Celebrate with facts about Pi and Raspberry Pi
Celebrate PiDay with some of the best Pi and Raspberry Pi facts around
Speaker pHAT review
A tiny speaker board for adding sound to projects
Video Player: build a Raspberry Pi HTPC media centre
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a working video player by setting up home theatre PC software
Back up your Raspberry Pi: how to save and restore files
Back up the files on a Raspberry Pi to an external drive. Learn how to copy, save and restore your Raspbian OS directories
Pi Party Gallery
Here's a look into what went on at Raspberry Pis fifth birthday extravaganza last weekend!
RasPiO InsPiRing LED kit: build Raspberry Pi light sculptures
Create gorgeous light sculptures with this LED kit
Kodi 17.0 Krypton
The premier HTPC software gets an update with a new look and some new tech behind the scenes
Official Case for the Pi Zero W with three covers
How to use the Pi Zero W case with its three different covers including the new camera cover
New PiBorg controller and robot on Kickstarter!
The robot masters return with a brand new motor controller and a new robot kit, ThunderBorg and MonsterBorg, now on Kickstarter
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