Pi Party Gallery

By Russell Barnes. Posted

Here's a look into what went on at Raspberry Pis fifth birthday extravaganza last weekend!

Last weekend was the Pi Party! Celebrating five years of Raspberry Pi, around 1500 people from around the world attended a weekend of fun and learning in Cambridge. Want to see what it was like? Here's some of our pictures from the party...

 We had our own table for the event, right by the entrance!

 The queue to get in was tremendous on the first day

 Features editor Rob was ready in his one-of-a-kind hat to tell people about the magazine

Show floor

 In OPiRation, you need to operate on poor Frankie

 This four-player Galaga table on show was incredibly popular

 Fritz is an interesting robot. It follows you. With its EYES.

 The MeArm Pi has just been successfully crowdfunded, and it was on show at the Party

 A digital wishing well made from LEDs

 Make a wish

 Roll up, roll up, test your strength on this classic carnival game

 The amazing MonsterBorg from PiBorg was also on show

 The Cannybot, which looks a lot like the robot we had a few issues ago. It is designed by the same person after all

The talks

 Features ed Rob gave a talk on how to write for The MagPi. A full video of it will be up soon!

 Foundation CEO Philip Colligan cuts the birthday cake

 The Raspberry Pi engineers answer the tough questions in their talk

 Sam Aaron closed out Saturday with his own brand of excellent Sonic Pi-generated music

 Coding explosions brought the party to an explosive finish. Not literally, luckily

 Olivia is one of the organisers of events like this at Raspberry Pi. After what we can only assume was a very stressful weekend/week/month, she came running up with these balloons shouting about being a 'balloon dragon'.

It was a great weekend, and we look forward to doing it all again next year! Check issue 56 for more coverage from the Pi Party.

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