RasPiO InsPiRing LED kit: build Raspberry Pi light sculptures

By Russell Barnes. Posted

Create gorgeous light sculptures with this LED kit

RasPiO InsPiRing is a new Raspberry Pi kit for creating LED sculptures.

The kit is a system of programmable LED boards that click together. With them, you can create 2D and 3D shapes that flash and glow. All of it controlled by the Raspberry Pi board.

It's like LEGO with LED lights.

"The idea behind the system is that the shapes can fit together in a modular way to make whatever shape you want," says RaspiTV's Alex Eames.

You can "embed them in any project that requires fine control over colour and intensity of light."

The RasPiO InsPiRing Kickstarter project

The RasPiO InsPiRing Kickstarter project has already broken its £10,000 pledge with 350 backers offering over £17,000.

Suggested projects include a Light Pyramid, Mood Light, Natural Light Alarm Clock or Christmas lighting.

The LED lights are controlled using Python and a Raspberry Pi, although the kit is also compatible with Arduino and other boards. "Microbit drivers are currently being written," says Alex, "but the other platforms were all on display at the recent Raspberry Pi Birthday Weekend."

RasPiO InsPiRing board and kit components

 RasPiO InsPiRing board

The driver is a pHAT-sized board for the Raspberry Pi. It has a buffer chip to handle the 5V logic levels and support for external power (if you want to use a lot of lights). GPIO ports are broken out so you can use it in tandem with other projects.

The hat drives a selection of different LED boards:

Triangle - 24 LEDs on a 10cm equilateral triangle

RasPiO InsPiRing Triangle

Circle - 24 LEDs on a 10cm diameter circle

RasPiO InsPiRing circle

RasPiO Inspiring semi-circle board

RasPiO InsPiRing semi circle

RasPiO Inspiring square board

RasPiO InsPiRing square

Successful funding for the Kickstarter campaign took just 8.63 hours. The kit will be on display at PiWars on 1 April.

The Kickstarter campaign finishes on Sunday 2nd April. There's still time to reserve your components.

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