Monomepi Raspberry Pi music box
A Raspberry Pi music box featuring old and new technology in perfect harmony, meet Monomeipi
Monomepi Raspberry Pi music box
A Raspberry Pi music box featuring old and new technology in perfect harmony, meet Monomeipi
Configuration Tool: PIXEL's raspi-config alternative
Learn your way around the configuration tool found in Raspbian Jessie
Star Wars Holochess jukebox
This Star Wars Holochess table doubles up as the world's coolest jukebox
Beginner's Guide to NOOBS
The easiest way to set up a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and other operating systems, is to use the NOOBS installer
MagPi translated into Spanish, French, Italian & Hebrew
Each Translated Edition is a bite-sized edition of The MagPi written in a global language
Microscope hacked with Camera module
We love this video showing how to hack a digital microscope with a Raspberry Pi and Camera Module.
Peugeot Citroen: Raspberry Pi factory robot
Peugeot Citroen car factory using Raspberry Pi robots to help it make cars
Bacteria sing: biology synth Micro-ritmos
Micro-ritmos is a musical instrument that automatically generates songs based on biology.
Announcing The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book volume 2!
200 pages of top-notch Pi projects in one handy, beautiful book that you can get right now
Puppet Kit review
Your Raspberry Pi pulls all the strings with this innovative puppet kit project
MakeTronix: DIY Alarm kit
The MakeTronix DIY Alarm is a packaged kit with an assembled circuit board with a keypad, light-sensor, motion-sensor and sounder.
Sonic Pi - live coding practice
Practice makes perfect and Sam Aaron has eight tips on how to do that
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