MakeTronix: DIY Alarm kit

By Russell Barnes. Posted

The MakeTronix DIY Alarm is a packaged kit with an assembled circuit board with a keypad, light-sensor, motion-sensor and sounder.

MakeTronix is a new company creating educational kits for the Raspberry Pi. Their first product is a DIY Alarm Kit is now available on IndieGoGo.

"We believe everyone has a right to understand the technology that governs our world," says Co-Founder Zachary Igielman.

"Around a year ago, an eight-year-old boy approached me wanting to build his own alarm," Zach told us. "I took this boy through the stages in building the electronics and programming the alarm. I saw this as a fantastic way to turn my vision into a reality."

MakeTronix: DIY Raspberry Pi Alarm Kit

Zach's dream turned into the MakeTronix DIY Alarm. This packaged kit has an assembled circuit board, keypad, light-sensor, motion-sensor and sounder.

The company plans to make resources for building an alarm. They hope this will help users them learn programming, and understand how technology works.

Alongside the kit will be custom tutorials. These take users from flashing an LED to making a fully fledged alarm. This alarm can  be integrated into social media or IoT devices.

"The kit is perfect for use in schools and workshops," says Zach. "It comes fully assembled with an easy to use Python library, resources and code examples."

"Students will be taken through the steps from flashing an LED, through programming a motion activated alarm, until they are able to embark on their own project with the kit which may include camera integration, web control and more."

 MakeTronix DIY Alarm Kit

"As we are young, we haven't got the money to start up our company," says Zach. "We would like to ensure that we don't go into production without a good number of sales."

"We want to be able to eventually start up our own company and continue getting MakeTronix Alarms and other products into the hands of schools and children worldwide" he tells us.

"By buying a MakeTronix Alarm in this campaign you are helping to make a website, lessons plans, resources and a platform for schools to begin to teach programming."

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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