McRoboFace review
This bright light-up face will add character to your projects
McRoboFace review
This bright light-up face will add character to your projects
Haunted Halloween Mirror with Raspberry Pi
Build a spooky haunted mirror for Halloween
Machine Learning: Google Cloud Vision camera
Combine Google Cloud Vision machine learning tech with a Raspberry Pi to build a very smart camera
PiRetrocade: Sparkfun arcade joystick control kit
SparkFun's new kit makes it easy to build a retro-style video game controller
Print Editions of new MagPi Essentials books
Each new MagPi Essentials print title costs just £3.99 and contains 100 pages of top-quality tutorials.
Build a remote control robot with The MagPi 51
This issue we have robots, underwater cameras, Astro Pi news, and spooky Halloween projects
Water cooled Raspberry Pi cluster supercomputer
Build this amazing looking water cooled Raspberry Pi 3 supercomputer cluster.
Fix Dirty COW on Raspberry Pi
Here’s how to quickly and easily remove the Linux Kernel vulnerability Dirty COW from Raspbian
Build a number plate reader - part two
Following on from our previous tutorial, we use a Camera Module to recognise the number plates of the cars passing by
Stick PC: Pi Zero USB Dongle
Novaspirit has started a project, called Pi Zero USB Dongle, to create a stick PC from a Raspberry Pi.
The all-inclusive hardware add-on for the Raspberry Pi hopes to open up the world to the tiny computer
Secret agent coding kit: Spy vs. sPi
Spy vs. sPi is a series of engineering adventures designed by actual secret agents
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