Eye-Pi IR camera
Never mind a portable Raspberry Pi camera – how about a portable Pi IR camera for taking stunning and unique shots?
Eye-Pi IR camera
Never mind a portable Raspberry Pi camera – how about a portable Pi IR camera for taking stunning and unique shots?
Add Push Notifications to MotionEyeOS
MotionEyeOS is perfect for using your Pi as a CCTV camera. Want to detect movements while you’re out? Then read on…
Zebra Zero Case review
A case for the Raspberry Pi Zero that you can also get with a wooden finish. Is it practical or more for the aesthetics?
Steampunk Pi
This Raspberry Pi reimagined for the 19th century is a wonderful thing. Lucy Hattersley talks to its maker, Jean Gaillat
The Minecraft Bedrock Challenge
How good is your intuition? Can you navigate your way through an invisible Minecraft arena?
RasPiRobot V3 board review
Get a head start in making a Raspberry Pi robot with this board: it handles all the basics you need
Essentials books now on Amazon!
Get The MagPi Essentials series – python games, Sonic Pi and more – in 26 countries via Amazon
Make any desk job exciting with this futuristic PiDesk: a touch-controlled table with lights, sound, and a computer that rises from the surface
4Borg robot review
An affordable robot kit from the robotic masters over at PiBorg, this is both cool and educational
Surfing Random Streams
In this month’s Sonic Pi guide, its creator, Sam Aaron, demonstrates the incredible power of randomisation in live-coded music…
Balance bot
A sociable, balancing robot built with a Raspberry Pi to power it. How tricky is balancing a robot via code, though?
MeArm robot kit review
A robot arm kit designed as an educational tool - how can people learn from MeArm?
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