Wyliodrin STUDIO review
This Chrome App development tool makes it easy to create Internet of Things projects on your Raspberry Pi
Wyliodrin STUDIO review
This Chrome App development tool makes it easy to create Internet of Things projects on your Raspberry Pi
New Pi Zero, now with added camera port
Take photos with the new Pi Camera Module v2 on the brand new Pi Zero!
BURT bot
A Raspberry Pi Zero robot, BURT is one of the smallest and cutest robots you’ll see
Add RCA output to a Pi Zero
Did you know that the Pi Zero has a composite video out port which is very easy to access? If you’d like to connect your Zero to an old TV, read on and we’ll show you how…
Raspberry Squid LED kit review
An RGB LED that makes learning code quick and fun, while also being useful for other projects
Galaga Pi
This Galaga Mini Arcade is a flawlessly detailed recreation of a fantastic arcade machine, with a Raspberry Pi at its core. We caught up with Tiburcio de la Carcova to talk about it
Pimoroni ESP8266 IOT pHAT review
Add a low-cost WiFi HAT to your Raspberry Pi Zero and take control of wireless IoT devices
eIDShepherd: Sheep Tagger
The Raspberry Pi might have been to space, but it’s also proving its worth back on Earth, where in a muddy field an RFID hacked Pi is being used to tag sheep
Learn all about the new Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 in The MagPi 45
Our Pi Camera Module special also has tutorials on how to perform experiments with Sense HAT, use NeoPixels with Raspberry Pi, and find out what the ten best Pi arcade machines are!
Get started with the new Pi camera
The new 8-megapixel camera is out so here's a refresher on how to use it with your Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 to take some photos
Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 released!
The new 8-megapixel Pi camera is a big upgrade to the existing camera that uses the same connector, code, and mount points
Keyes 34-Piece Sensor Experiment Kit review
A box of tricks to play and learn with, but does it make sense to buy sensors like this?
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