Wyliodrin STUDIO review

By Russell Barnes. Posted

This Chrome App development tool makes it easy to create Internet of Things projects on your Raspberry Pi

Wyliodrin STUDIO is a Chrome App development suite that enables developers to take a board, like our beloved Raspberry Pi, and quickly prototype an IoT device.

The full article can be found in The MagPi 45 and was written by Lucy Hattersley

Setup is a breeze: installation is via disk image and from that point on, everything takes place from Chrome on another computer. You can still use the Wyliodrin website, which has new features, but what we’re really interested in is the Wyliodrin STUDIO Chrome Web Store app.

Got a visual

Wyliodrin supports JavaScript and Python, but the entry point is Visual Programming, a beefed-up version of Google’s Blockly. Programs are arranged, like Scratch, by dragging and dropping blocks together.

It’s much more powerful than either Scratch or Blockly, with blocks for everything from social media to humidity sensors and accelerometers. There are blocks for GoPiGo, Lego Mindstorms, and Grove sensors. You can even set up a web server using blocks.

The blocks are converted to Python code on the fly, and you can move back and forth between Visual Programming and Python.

It’s easy to be sniffy about using blocks when you’ve taken the time to learn Python or Java, but it’s impossible to make a syntax error. Therefore, you can focus on the logic, and we find slotting blocks together a fun way to get inspiration. There are limitations (it doesn’t scale up particularly well), but you can always move your project over to Python.

In a dash

The other side of Wyliodrin is the Dashboard, which features an array of graphs, charts, dials, buttons, and sliders – everything you need to visually interact with your Raspberry Pi. There is a great range of example programs included, and some powerful tutorials to follow.

Wyliodrin STUDIO doesn’t have the limitations of the browser-based service, and you can add as many projects and Dashboard widgets as you want. Note that the contract states that it’s for personal and educational use only.

We’re impressed with Wyliodrin STUDIO. It’s a solid IDE that’s easy to set up, with no real restrictions. Visual Programming is a great way to demystify the often enigmatic nature of IoT prototyping, and there are some great tutorials available.

Last word


A solid springboard to start building your internet-based projects. Visual Programming is a fun way to get started, but you’re not limited in scope. The Dashboard brings your projects to life with buttons and dials.

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