Gingerbread face detection robot

By Russell Barnes. Posted

Learn how OpenCV works by building a gingerbread robot with a Raspberry Pi Camera

We love this tasty Gingerbread Robot project.

Created by Dexter Industries, it uses a Raspberry Pi Camera and Face Detection technology.

The Pi Camera detects when your face is in front of the Gingerbread Robot. Then it snaps a photo. Gingerbread Robot also waves his arms in the air. Just so you know he's seen you.

Building a Gingerbread Robot

It's a simple project, which makes it a fun afternoon. You'll need to bake the robot. Then hook him up to a PivotPi and two servo motors.

Discover the full build instructions over on Dexter Industries.

Baking is fun. But the tech behind the facial recognition is pretty cool.

The robot uses OpenCV Computer Vision Software. "The code puts a box around the face it sees," says the maker.

"This is by far the tastiest project we’ve ever done," explain Dexter Labs. "We show you how to build a robot using the Raspberry Pi and servos kit, and the PivotPi, the Raspberry Pi Servo Controller.  The robot is equipped with a camera that checks for faces, and if it sees a face, it does a small dance!"

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