Mini Maker Faire: Pi Powered Football at the Institute of Imagination

By Russell Barnes. Posted

London-based charity, the Institute of Imagination hosted a Mini Maker Faire at its Imagination Lab.

The event featured activities from retro computing and laser cutting to robot football. We caught up with Corrie Jones, IoI interim marketing manager, after the show. “We’re really happy to have had so many people attend, and to see so many children get so involved in all of the activities,” she told us.

“Our current theme is ‘Teaching Me’, and is all about inventing things that you think will make a positive impact in the future. One child that I spoke to had created a robot that would pick up all the rubbish from the bottom of the ocean. Inventions [like that] show a really high level of thinking about what we need to improve the world.”

This article appeared in The MagPi 62 and was written by Clive Webster

Mini Maker Faire: Pi-powered robot football

Red Robotics brought some SoccerBotz to make a three-a-side Pi-powered robot football game. “That was brilliant,” remarks Corrie. “I didn’t get to have a go on it myself because it was so busy throughout the day!”

The SoccerBotz used a Pi to handle the remote-control instructions and motors, but also used an Arduino to run the power control system.

Mini Maker Faire

STEAM power at Mini Maker Faire

IoI focuses on STEAM learning, adding art and design to science, technology, engineering, and maths. So, “as well as there being science and technology elements,” to IoI events, Corrie says, “the arts and things that [kids] can make and feel really proud of” also feature.

The IoI runs many weekend activities, all aimed at children, families, schools and teachers, and covering everything from film-making to coding and 3D design. Visit IoI for details, or contact the IoI at to bring an ‘Imagination Pod’ to your school.

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