Pi Wars 2021 lays down double challenge

By Rosemary Hattersley. Posted

Pi Wars 2020 had to beat a hasty online retreat this year, but 2021 will see the celebrated Raspberry Pi robot challenge weekend make two feisty appearances.
Organisers Mike Horne and Tim Richardson from CamJam (Cambridge Pi Jam) have cunningly conjured up a Virtual Pi Wars Conference as well as a take-part-from-home series of Pi Wars challenges.

Mike explains that rather than risk having to cancel an in-person version of Pi Wars 2021, they decided to turn a negative into a positive and hold two online events. The Virtual Pi Wars Conference will be on Saturday 23 January and will be a live-streamed event hosted by CamJam’s Rob Bricheno. Attendees get an insight into what makes a successful Pi Wars robot, which may or may not help them in their endeavour to vanquish rivals during Pi Wars itself. Sign up at Pi Wars 2021.

See also: Pi Wars: How to win the Olympics of robotics

Audrey III - Amy Willis and her dad’s robot tribute to Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors, made its debut at this year’s Virtual Pi Wars event

Home advantage

Pi Wars @Home, meanwhile, will see teams first build their own challenge courses, then record their best attempt at completing it. The resulting challenge attempts will be broadcast online over the weekend of 20-21 March.

Courses will have a ‘home’ theme and must be constructed from readily available household objects, with assembly instructions sent out well in advance to all teams who pay the £15 entry fee. Competitors can take part from anywhere in the world, since each team has to submit their challenge attempt videos at least 72 hours ahead of the competition weekend. Entry is open already and closes on 12 October. Teams that accepted and paid their entry fee for Pi Wars 2020 will be able to take part in the 2021 @Home event at no extra charge. You will still need to apply but will be automatically accepted.

The makers of this Reliant Raspberry robot may have had Mr Bean’s calamitous exploits in mind

2020 re-vision

Despite having to become a virtual event in 2020, Pi Wars attracted plenty of online attention with more than 350 visitors watching the live-streamed competition at once. The Disaster Zone theme that was to have been the focus of Pi Wars 2020 may instead loom back into view in 2022. This will mean would-be competitors from 2020 will still be able to impress us all with their appropriately apocalyptic robots. For course building instructions and to sign up, go to the Virtual Pi Wars website.

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