Sonic Pi - Code A Probabilistic Sequencer

By Russell Barnes. Posted

After a brief break while touring, Sam Aaron is back to continue his amazing Sonic Pi series

In a previous episode of this Sonic Pi series, we explored the power of randomisation to introduce variety, surprise, and change into our live-coded tracks and performances. For example, we randomly picked notes from a scale to create never-ending melodies. Today we’re going to learn a new technique which uses randomisation for rhythm – probabilistic beats!

The full article can be found in The MagPi 47 and was written by Sam Aaron, the creator of Sonic Pi

You'll need

Raspberry Pi running Raspbian

Sonic Pi v2.7+ (update with: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sonic-pi)

Speakers or headphones with a 3.5mm jack


Before we can start making new beats and synth rhythms, we need to take a quick dive into the basics of probability. This might sound daunting, but really it’s just as simple as rolling a dice!  When you take a regular six-sided board game dice and roll it, what’s actually happening? Well, firstly you’ll roll a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, with exactly the same chance of getting any of the numbers. In fact, given that it’s a six-sided dice, on average (if you roll lots and lots of times) you’ll throw a 1 every six throws. This means you have a 1 in 6 chance of throwing a 1. We can emulate dice rolls in Sonic Pi with the dice function. Let’s roll one eight times:

8.times do
  puts dice
  sleep 1

Notice how the log prints values between 1 and 6, just as if we’d rolled a real dice ourselves.

Random beats

Now imagine you had a drum and before you hit it you rolled the dice – if you got a 1, you hit the drum (otherwise you didn’t). You now have a probabilistic drum machine working with a probability of 1/6! Let’s hear it:

live_loop :random_beat do
  sample :drum_snare_hard if dice == 1
  sleep 0.125

Let’s quickly go over each line to make sure everything is clear. First, we create a new liveloop called :randombeat, which will continually repeat the two lines between do and end. The first of these lines is a call to sample, which will play a pre-recorded sound (the :drumsnarehard sound in this case). However, this line has a special conditional if ending. This means that the line will only be executed if the statement on the right-hand side of the if is true. The statement in this case is dice == 1. This calls our dice function which, as we have seen, returns a value between 1 and 6. We then use the equality operator == to check to see if this value is 1. If it is 1, then the statement resolves to true and our snare drum sounds; if it isn’t 1, then the statement resolves to false and the snare is skipped. The second line simply waits for 0.125 seconds before rolling the dice again.

Changing probabilities

Those of you who have played role-playing games will be familiar with lots of strangely shaped dice with different ranges. For example, there is the tetrahedron dice which has four sides, and even a 20-sided dice in the shape of a icosahedron. The number of sides on the dice changes the chance, or probability, of rolling a 1. The fewer sides, the more likely you are to roll a 1; the more sides, the less likely. For example, with a four-sided dice, there’s a 1 in 4 chance of rolling a 1; with a 20-sided dice, there’s a 1 in 20 chance. Luckily, Sonic Pi has the handy one_in fn for describing exactly this. Let’s play:

live_loop :different_probabilities do
  sample :drum_snare_hard if one_in(6)
  sleep 0.125

Start the live loop above and you’ll hear the familiar random rhythm. However, don’t stop the code running. Instead, change the 6 to a different value such as 2 or 20 and press the Run button again. Notice that lower numbers mean the snare drum sounds more frequently, while higher numbers mean the snare triggers fewer times. You’re making music with probabilities!

Combining probabilities

Things get really exciting when you combine multiple samples being triggered with different probabilities. For example:

live_loop :multi_beat do
  sample :elec_hi_snare if one_in(6)
  sample :drum_cymbal_closed if one_in(2)
  sample :drum_cymbal_pedal if one_in(3)
  sample :bd_haus if one_in(4)
  sleep 0.125

Again, run the code above and then start changing the probabilities to modify the rhythm. Also, try changing the samples to create an entirely new feel. For example, try changing :drumcymbalclosed to :basshitc for extra bass!

Repeatable rhythms

Next, we can use our old friend userandomseed to reset the random stream after eight iterations to create a regular beat. Type the following code to hear a much more regular and repeating rhythm. Once you hear the beat, try changing the seed value from 1000 to another number. Notice how different numbers generate different beats.

live_loop :multi_beat do
  use_random_seed 1000
  8.times do
    sample :elec_hi_snare if one_in(6)
    sample :drum_cymbal_closed if one_in(2)
    sample :drum_cymbal_pedal if one_in(3)
    sample :bd_haus if one_in(4)
     sleep 0.125

One thing I tend to do with this kind of structure is to remember which seeds sound good and make a note of them. That way I can easily recreate my rhythms in future practice sessions or performances.

Bringing it all together

Finally, we can throw in some random bass to give it some nice melodic content. Notice that we can also use our newly discovered probabilistic sequencing method on synths as well as samples. Don’t leave it at that, though – tweak the numbers and make your own track with the power of probabilities!

live_loop :multi_beat do
  use_random_seed 2000
  8.times do
    c = rrand(70, 130)
    n = (scale :e1, :minor_pentatonic).take(3).choose
    synth :tb303, note: n, release: 0.1, cutoff: c if rand < 0.9
    sample :elec_hi_snare if one_in(6)
    sample :drum_cymbal_closed if one_in(2)
    sample :drum_cymbal_pedal if one_in(3)
    sample :bd_haus, amp: 1.5 if one_in(4)
    sleep 0.125

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