SLES: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

By Russell Barnes. Posted

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) has been released for Raspberry Pi.

A version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) has been created for Raspberry Pi.

SUSE is used by the European Space Agency to handle Mission Control and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (to control SuperMUC, the fastest supercomputer in Europe). In short, it's an incredibly serious piece of software. So it's pretty incredible to see it running on a Raspberry Pi.

In October, SUSE announced that it had optimised SLES for ARM-based 64-bit servers. Shortly afterwards we saw the first version of SLES on a Raspberry Pi.

Unless we're mistaken, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is the first fully 64-bit operating system for the Raspberry Pi. Although because the board does not have access to more than 4-GB of RAM, it's not clear if there's a real advantage to it being 64-bit. It's still pretty

It's still a pretty incredible piece of software. And it's good to be able to train and practice with it on a Raspberry Pi. Using the same software that mission-critical environments rely on every day.

SUSE are so excited they created a music video.

SLES: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for ARM

“SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for ARM will give customers more choice, flexibility and opportunities,” said Ralf Flaxa, President of Engineering. “And they will be able to do it faster than ever before.”

"We decided to bring SUSE to the Raspberry Pi to increase the visibility for SUSE and SLES," said Jay Kruemcke, Senior Product Manager. "But to be honest, we really did it because it looked like fun".

"Yes, we actually took the enterprise grade, 64-bit, Linux operating system that is used around the world to support mission-critical workloads in financial institutions, air traffic control centres, manufacturing centres, and high-performance computing centres – and put it on a $35 credit card-sized computer," writes Jay.

"The real breakthrough for us in this process was the enthusiastic support that we received from Eben Upton when we told him of our plans," Jay told us.

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