Love hacking, making, and crafting with Raspberry Pi? Want to write about Raspberry Pi for the official magazine, and share your love with the world? Then you should write for Raspberry Pi Official Magazine.
We're always on the lookout for new writers.
We want to hear from writers of all ages and abilities. From seasoned pros to enthusiastic newbies. Everybody with enthusiasm for Raspberry Pi is invited.
So if you'd like to write for Raspberry Pi Official Magazine (and earn some money in the process), here's our three-step guide to writing for the magazine:
Step 1: read Raspberry Pi Official Magazine
Take a look at the latest edition of Raspberry Pi Official Magazine. Take a good look at the sort of features and articles we write.
Step 2: come up with an idea
Come up with an idea for a feature that you'd love to write about. Typically we write about the following:
- Tutorial - This is where you show a reader how to perform a skill with a Raspberry Pi. Typically we have two types of tutorial: those that show a reader how to build something amazing with a Raspberry Pi computer; and 101 Raspberry Pi tutorials that show a beginner how to perform a basic task with Raspberry Pi. You can see examples of both in previous issues of Raspberry Pi Official Magazine. Don't worry if you think a topic is too basic: everybody needs to start somewhere and we're keen to ensure that all our readers get on board with Raspberry Pi Official Magazine and learn to walk before they can run.
- Project Showcase - Have you seen something amazing that another person made, and wondered how they did it? In Project Showcases we interview the best makers around, and get them to explain their projects. So why not find an amazing project, get in touch with the maker, and interview them? Then describe their project to the world.
- Review - Bought a piece of Raspberry Pi-related hardware recently and want to write about it? This could be the latest piece of kit, or something you bought years ago and loved. As long as it works with Raspberry Pi, we want to hear about it.
Step 3: write to us
Before you start writing, drop us a line to see if we think it's the sort of thing we'd be interested in. Send a few sentences describing the article to:
We might suggest you tweak the idea or take it in a different direction. But if we think it's a great idea, we'll commission you to write an article. So what are you waiting for?