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Issue 66

Media Player Projects. With its HDMI socket and small form factor, the Raspberry Pi can quickly become a much more versatile media player than the ones you’d buy in the shops. This month, we’ve got…

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Issue 65

The Raspberry Pi makes an amazing Christmas, present. And every year we welcome a huge number of newcomers. Raspberry Pi isn’t just a computer and a charity. We’re a community of people who love ma…

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Issue 64

Everybody knows the Raspberry Pi is a coding tool. It’s inspiring a whole new generation of students and developers. But the Raspberry Pi is much more than that. Coding on a Raspberry Pi has purpos…

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Issue 63

### We always wanted an arcade machine. So this issue we decided to find the best build instructions around. In this issue of The MagPi, Bob Clagett from I Like To Make Stuff walks us step-by-step…

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Issue 62

This issue’s LEGO and Raspberry Pi feature is spectacular. You will learn how to build LEGO robots that solve Rubik’s Cubes, Segway-style self-balancing robots, and retro NES games consoles; and ma…

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Issue 61

The Pi Zero W is a fantastic piece of kit, and The MagPi 61 is packed with ideas to inspire your Pi Zero creativity Plus all this inside The MagPi 61 Arduino and Pi Master this powerful project…

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Issue 60

Your essential guide to solving Raspberry Pi problems. We wanted the perfect Pi troubleshooting guide for our own workshop, and we thought you might like a copy in yours. Free DVD! Instal…

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Issue 59

### What can’t you do with a $35 computer? Very little, it seems. Rob spent a week using a Raspberry Pi 3 as his one-and-only computer. From working on his magazine articles, editing images, t…

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Issue 58

The MagPi Issue 58 has a huge feature all about making with Minecraft. Minecraft is incredible, but the version for Raspberry Pi is special. Only Minecraft Pi allows makers to hack and code it…

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Issue 57

We’re extremely excited to share the latest issue, it’s a very special one bundled with an exclusive project kit from Google. Called AIY Projects, the free hardware kit enables you t…

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Issue 56

Get into digital making with some fun projects you can try today: the best and safest ways to power your Raspberry Pi, make your own LED thermometer, use a DJ controller to mix a visual masterpiece…

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Issue 55

Build a retro gaming masterpiece with the new Raspberry Pi Zero W; Keep your files safe with our expert guide; Improve your projects with Ben Nuttall’s help Need more details? View the co…

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