ALio Proto Board: dual-layer prototyping board

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

The ALio Proto Board recently hit its Crowd Supply target, and with a pad layout that can accommodate chips (ICs) it should be useful board to get complex builds running quickly. There are variants compatible with Arduino and USB ports.

ALio Lead Engineer (and AERD CEO) Arief Adha tells us, “Currently we are on production for first batch [of ALio boards, but] my next plans are to publish the files [for the boards].

ALio Proto Board for Raspberry Pi

As Arief explains, “Since the board itself is fully open-source, we hope we can make rapid prototyping accessible for everyone who wants to prototype with SMD or PTH.”

Arief even says, “All profit that we’ll get [from ALio], we will allocate to develop new open-source stuff.”

The AERD team are still focused on producing the ALio boards, however, with Arief confirming that “ALio is a good candidate to include in the Digi-Key catalogue.” Keep an eye on if ALio looks useful for your next build.

See also:

Circuit starter guide: Everything you need to prototype, test, and build circuits with a Raspberry Pi computer

Raspberry Pi simulator: Microsoft creates online tool for prototyping projects

ProtoBoard review

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