Brew your own beer in The MagPi magazine issue #130

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

We’re heading into the world of Raspberry Pi-powered micro brewing for the Cambridge Beer Festival. If you prefer coding to crafting ale then take a loot at our Linux and the Command Line feature or check out our surreal storytelling with AI project.

Step back in time with MCM/70

Learning APL with an MCM/70

We love Michael Gardi's impressive reproduction of the classic Canadian-built MCM/70 personal computer. Crafted with meticulous detail, Michael used a Raspberry Pi 4 to emulate the MCM/70's software and created custom keycaps for authenticity. Not just for show, Michael is using the machine to learn APL (A Programming Language) developed in the 1960s.

Brew your own beer with a Tilt hydrometer and Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Micro Brewery

Brewing beer, a centuries-old practice, is brought bang up-to-date with Raspberry Pi. All you need is a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled Raspberry Pi, a Tilt hydrometer for accurate measurements, a brewing bucket, and your usual brewing tools and ingredients.

Create your own bedtime stories with ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion

Automatically create bedtime stories with AI

Create a magical bedtime storyteller using artificial intelligence with ChatGPT for narrative and Stable Diffusion for illustrations. Raspberry Pi writes stories while showcasing AI-generated pictures, with characters and settings decided by listeners. This project also provides insights on using ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion APIs, Python modules, and effectively storing and replaying stories.

Learn Linux and the command line in The MagPi magazine issue #130

Learn Linux and the command line

Mastering Linux and its Command Line Interface (CLI) is an essential skill and Raspberry Pi is the ideal platform. In this feature, we will introduce you to the command line interface and the basic commands you need to truly take control of your computer.

The MagPi community events calendar

Events Calendar

Raspberry Pi has a vibrant maker community and there are events taking place around the world. Meet fellow enthusiasts and share your knowledge, network, and inspire each other. Our Raspberry Pi Events calendar and map let you know where to go.

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