Build your own laptop in The MagPi #74

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

Use a 3D printer, Raspberry Pi and a few parts to build your own notebook

We've got a whole new look this month. The MagPi magazine has been redesigned from tip to toe with a fresh new style. It's got bigger photographs, better tutorials and more photographs than ever before.

 The new look magazine has incredible photographs of the best projects around

Build your own laptop

Our cover star this issue is a Build your own laptop feature. This is ambitious, but a perfectly practical project that's incredibly rewarding. You'll get a better understanding of how modern computers are put together, and get a fully mobile Raspberry Pi to boot.

In The MagPi #74 we look at how to 3D print your own laptop using a Raspberry Pi and a few off-the-shelf parts.

 Discover how to build a laptop in The MagPi #74

Haunted Halloween Hacks

Our spooktacular Halloween feature returns with the scariest ghoulish hacks. We've got wicked wearables, deadly decorations and dreadful dolls. Plus puns! Lots and lots of puns.

 Haunted Halloween Hacks in The MagPi #74

Code Space invaders with Pygame Zero

Regular readers will know we've been coding games for a while now, but we've worked up to a classic this month: Space Invaders. Discover how to make this classic arcade game from scratch with Python.

 Code Space Invaders in The MagPi #74

Plus all this inside The MagPi 74

  • Grow Veggies with the Aquaponic Garden. Use a Raspberry Pi and a guard fish to grow amazing vegetables.
  • Play Rock, paper, scissors with AI. Train a Raspberry Pi to detect hand gestures and win a game of rock, paper, scissors.
  • The Top 10 Raspberry Pi cases. An incredible array of different houses for Raspberry Pi (each offering different functionality).
  • Rain Detector. Build a laundry saving rain detector that alerts you when the shower starts to fall.
  • Picade V2 reviewed. We test out the new table-top arcade machine.
  • And much, much more!

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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