Discover electronics in The MagPi 64

By Russell Barnes. Posted

This month's magazine is for those who want to know how to build, hack, and make with computers. In our Electronics Starter Guide, you’ll learn how to read schematics, prototype circuits, and build basic electronic kits. Welcome to the wonderful world of electronics with Raspberry Pi.

Read all about it in issue 64 of The MagPi - The Official Raspberry Pi magazine, out in stores today.


Electronics Starter Guide

Serious fun with circuits, components and jumper leads

AIY Projects: Vision Kit

Add vision intelligence to  your projects. It's like Clips, but Made by you with Google

Make a text adventure

How to design and code your own digital adventure game

Amazing Project Showcases

All the greatest kits and builds from the Raspberry Pi community

The best of the rest in The MagPi 64

The best Christmas kits for Pi projects, the best Christmas kits for Pi projects, artificial intelligence in a smart CCTV camera, NASA drawing robot powered by raspberry Pi, Monster Joysticks arcade controller reviewed

Plus! Win MonsterBorg and ThunderBorg robotics kit.

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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