Get more out of Raspberry Pi in The MagPi magazine issue #127

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

Get to know your Raspberry Pi much better with The MagPi’s team’s collection of favourite tips and tricks. Everybody is sure to learn something new this month.

50 Hacks & Hints

50 Hints & Hacks

Unleash the full power of Raspberry Pi with our ultimate collection of tips and tricks. Create multi-monitor professional setups, adjust GPU memory settings, customise the Raspberry Pi operating system, automatically run programs and much more.

This desert robot could be used to save lives

Desert Eye 2.0

This sophisticated Raspberry Pi 4 robot is designed to operate in harsh desert environments. It observes terrain for danger and could potentially save human lives. 

A new faster BBC emulator makes it much more fun to relive this retro classic

Emulate a BBC Micro on Raspberry Pi 400

Using an optimised version of the B-Em emulator, Raspberry Pi 400 can take us back to the heyday of the British micro. Using a new optimized version of B-Em there are no longer any major performance issues.  KG Orphanides walks us through the setup process.

Keep on top of work using a gigantic Pomodoro timer

Make a giant Pomodoro timer using Galactic Unicorn

The Pomodoro technique is a simple system of effort and reward: work for 25 minutes and you get five minutes off. This project uses the jumbo-sized Galactic Unicorn and Python code to create a dedicated Pomodoro timer.

Take part in #MonthOfMaking 2023

#MonthOfMaking with the experts

Every year we gather the community together to work on a project, take photographs of the build, and share it with other readers. This year we’re going to be talking to Allie Katz, Kevin McAleer, and KG Orphanides about their build process, projects and favourite resources.

We love this new handheld retro games case

PiBoy XRS reviewed

There have been many handheld gaming console designs for Raspberry Pi, and this latest one comes with a horizontal form factor that takes notes from various classic consoles. The result is a solid build that combines perfectly with Raspberry Pi 4 to produce a handheld gaming powerhouse.

Get to know the makers behind VEEB projects

VEEB interview

Meet two creatives who admire a minimalist aesthetic and enjoy making useful things from older technology.

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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