Survey from Google: tools for the maker community

By Russell Barnes. Posted

Help Google decide what smart tools to create for makers by filling out its survey

Google has created a survey to ask makers and the Raspberry Pi community for guidance on what tools they should build.

Click here to take the survey. It asks makers what smart tools they would like Google to create. These tools could prove invaluable to the maker community. It's important to let Google know what to make.

In Google's own words:

Hi, makers! Thank you for taking the time to take our survey. We at Google are interested in creating smart tools for makers, and want to hear from you about what would be most helpful.  As a thank you, we will share our findings with the community so that you can learn more about makers around the world.

The survey mentions face- and emotion-recognition and speech-to-text translation, to natural language processing and sentiment analysis. The firm has developed a lot of technology in the fields of machine learning and AI.

The tech giant also provides powerful technology for navigation, bots, and predictive analytics.

This availability of this technology on the Raspberry Pi platform could be a boon for makers. So it's a good idea to take the survey and let Google know what type of projects you'd be interested in making.

Google survey: the Raspberry Pi community speaks

Maker community

The Raspberry Pi Foundation website linked to Google yesterday, and several community members have already shared their thoughts:

"This all sounds great," says Heater. But "my idea of a maker is being independent." Heater would like to see it without becoming dependent on Google's cloud services.

"Among the huge range of tools referenced in this article, what Google tools are available to us for home automation?" asks TCnFL.

"Making gives me the ability to have those computers interact with the world beyond themselves, even if it starts with just turning the lights on and off. Everything is up from there." says Carl Jacobsen.

"I hate doing these things, however I found the survey so interesting and I could not forget it," says Helio.

Let Google know what you would like by clicking here and answering the questions.

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