Hello World: new computing magazine for educators

By Russell Barnes. Posted

The Raspberry Pi Foundation and Computing At School (CAS) have teamed up to produce Hello World, a new computing and digital making magazine for teachers and educators.

The new magazine is set to be published three times a year, and is available entirely free as a Creative Commons PDF download.

Hello World is available in print, free of charge, for UK-based educators.

Visit the HelloWorld.cc website and sign up for your free subscription or download a PDF of the magazine.

Miles Berry, Contributing Editor of Hello World explains the new magazine:

Hello World has been written for anybody who’s introducing young people to computing and digital making, including primary and secondary teachers, volunteers, and parents. The magazine will be free for all, forever online, and free in print for teachers and educators based in the UK. Visit helloworld.cc to learn more. It’s a magazine that draws on the expertise and experience of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and Computing At School (CAS), part of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT; it’s the successor to CAS’s Switched ON newsletter, edited by Roger Davies. His is a hard act to follow, and our hope is that Hello World will hold true to the vision behind Switched ON.

There are some fantastic features inside Hello World. Educators and teachers will find them invaluable, but we think they're interesting to anybody into computing in general.

Inside Hello World magazine

Hello World Papart's Legacy Feature

Here is just some of the fine features you'll find in the first issue:

  • Physical computing: Carrie Anne Philbin talks about learning through making
  • Papert’s legacy: How the creator of Logo paved the way for modern computing education
  • BCS scholarship scheme: How to get a BCS scholarship to learn how to teach
  • Experiments in computing: A report on a new way to teach CS
  • How to set up a makerspace and how to start a Code Club
  • Robots in schools: computer science education through robotics

Computer science lesson plans for teachers

 Hello World Lesson Plan

Inside every issue of Hello World are a selection of professional lesson plans. Get ready to teach faster with these pre-baked plans.

  • Moving from Scratch to Python: Help students jump from visual to text- based programming languages
  • Jungle maze solver: Get your students programming a robot capable of solving a maze
  • Escape from Ravenswood Manor: Build and play a text-based adventure
  • My amazing castle: Help students make a castle, and the dragon that lives in it, with Scratch
  • Flags of the world: Get a turtle robot to draw ags from around the world
  • Turtle graphics in Scratch: Easy-to-adapt guides to using a turtle with Scratch
  • 3D modelling with Blender: How to use free 3D modelling software in the classroom
  • SNAP! - beyond Scratch: Like a more advanced Scratch, Snap! allows for progression up to 16- to 18-year-olds.

Hello World is available in print for a free one year subscription to all UK-based educators (this include people who work in school clubs).

You can sign up at helloWorld.cc. Hello World is also available in print for attendees to BETT, the world's leading technology education event.


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