How to get the AIY Projects kit with The MagPi magazine

By Russell Barnes. Posted

How to get hold of your copy of The MagPi issue 57 with the free Google AIY Projects kit

In case you haven't noticed, issue 57 of The MagPi comes with something rather special: a free AIY Projects kit developed by Google. This has made the issue incredibly popular, and many readers are asking us how to get The AIY Projects with the free Voice Kit.

How to get AIY Projects: sign up for notifications

We hope to have more AIY Projects kits available shortly.

Please sign up for The MagPi newsletter to get information on availability.

  1. Open this link.
  2. Enter your Email, First Name, Last Name.
  3. Click Subscribe to List.

See also: Get a free AIY Projects voice kit with The MagPi 57

How to get AIY Projects Voice Kit in stores

You can find The MagPi 57 in UK stores including WH Smith, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and Asda. Because the kit is quite large, we have reports of stores not putting all the copies they have available on the shelves. So please make sure you ask. Many readers have reported success with getting a copy after asking staff to check the storeroom.

Copies have been shipped to North America, and are available at Barnes & Noble, Micro Center and other stores. These went on sale on the same day as the UK edition, although stores may not have put them out until today. Again, make sure you ask for staff to check.

Here is a map of The MagPi stockists. Please note that they are not guaranteed to have a copy, and this is not a live stock list. It will not show if the magazine has sold out. Please phone ahead to check that they have copies on sale

There are limited copies on The MagPi 57 on sale throughout Europe, and the rest of the world, in locations that normally stock it.

Please note that the German translated edition of The MagPi will not come with the free AIY Projects kit.

Digital versions (without the AIY Projects kit) are available in our Android and iOS app. Finally, there’s the free PDF download.

AIY Projects

How to get AIY Projects kit with new subscriptions

Editor's note: we are currently out of stock of issue 57 for new subscribers, but are trying to obtain more copies for new subscribers. 

Many readers have asked how to get AIY Projects kit with a new subscription.

If you are based in the UK, EU or Rest Of World then visit Raspberry Pi Subscriptions. When taking out a subscription, you can choose which issue to start with. Subscriptions starting from issue 57 are limited, and the website is currently struggling to keep up with demand.

Subscriptions in the US are provided by International Media Service. Its website states that subscriptions will now begin from issue 58.

You also get a free Pi Zero W, case and cable bundle with 12-month subscriptions. If you love coding and digital making then subscribing to The MagPi in print is a fantastic idea

If you manage to find a copy of The MagPi, please let readers know in the comments.

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