Discover affordable 3D printing in The MagPi #69

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

3D printing is one of the most incredible technologies in the world. With a 3D printer, you can download and make a huge range of items.

The price of 3D printing has fallen dramatically in recent months, and it's now possible to pick up a 3D printer from £99.

You can cut the costs even further by controlling a low-cost 3D printer with a Raspberry Pi

Everything you need is in this month's edition of The MagPi.

  • Buying your first 3D printer
  • Set up a 3D printer with Raspberry Pi
  • Using OctoPrint with Raspberry Pi
  • Discover AstroBox Gateway and AstroBox Touch
  • Amazing 3D printer projects

Plus! Build a Pi Zero TV Stick, Discover new AIY Projects kits and more

Upgrade any TV with a modified Pi Zero W. Use the ultimate portable computer to transform your television. Play games,  browse the web, and play digital media!

You'll also discover some of the greatest community projects in the world in this month's The MagPi magazine. From a gold panning competition in Australia to building robotic fish for the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Click here to download your free copy of The MagPi magazine #69.

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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