Last-minute Raspberry Pi stocking stuffers!

By Russell Barnes. Posted

It's the last post day before Christmas in the UK, here's some great Pi-themed gifts you can still give

Christmas is really creeping up now, seemingly thanks to it being on a Friday this year. That's the end of the week! Some of you may still be looking for the final few gifts and while this could mean wrestling with crowds on the High Street, it's also the last post day before Christmas. To make the most of it, here's our picks of Pi-themed gifts.


The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book

 200 pages with tons of projects

Featuring over 200 pages of projects, the Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book is the ultimate resource for any Pi-fanatic wanting to try out all manner of cool and crazy projects with their Raspberry Pi. It's also made up from pages of The MagPi that were never printed, so it's a good way to try and complete your collection.

You can get it from Amazon (with Prime delivery!) or WH Smiths. It's also out in the US in the middle of January.


Pibow Zero Case

 Tiny like the Zero, cool like the Pibows

If you've just got your Raspberry Pi Zero, you might want to keep it safe while using it. The excellent folks at Pimoroni have already created a version of their great Pibow case for the Raspberry Pi Zero. It also costs only £4, same as the Pi Zero itself.


DOTS board

 Dot-to-dot is now wiring

This is an excellent new HAT for the Raspberry Pi that uses Bare Conductive's electric paint to do a dot-to-dot and learn how to code physical objects in the process. The DOTS board is completely reusable as well, and very open to hacking if you want to go a bit further with it.


Raspberry Pi Calendar

 The brand new Raspberry Pi calendar, with one free extra day!

See in the new year with the Raspberry Pi Calender, with wonderful illustrations by the Raspberry Pi illustrator himself, Sam Alder. As well as all your standard British holiday dates, it also has release dates of The MagPi and lets your know when it's the Raspberry Pi's birthday.


Subscription to The MagPi

While you won't get any issues before Christmas now, you can stick an IOU or receipt into a card to let them know it's coming. Subscribe and ask for #40 to get your #PiZero and a free cable bundle. Since our new issue comes out on Thursday you'll have to make it clear you want to start your subscription from #40, though. You'll also miss an issue (#41) so you can catch up with the usual subs routine, but it's a small price to pay to get the world's first cover-mounted computer!

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays.

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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