Build a magic mirror in issue 54 of The MagPi

By Russell Barnes. Posted

A magical mirror, object-oriented programming, night-vision cameras and much more in the latest edition of the official Raspberry Pi magazine

We’ve finally gone and done it: we’ve got a build your own magic mirror feature in the magazine. Not only that, it’s our cover feature. This amazing project won the community vote in our top 50 Raspberry Pi projects poll, so we decided to go all out and worked closely with Michael Teeuw (the creator of the winning project) to put together this definitive guide.

 The latest issue is packed with excellent content

We also have a follow-up to our beginner's guide to coding from last issue, as Lucy Hattersley delves deeper into object-oriented programming by using examples in Scratch and Python. We also continue our popular learn to code with C series from Simon Long, along with our usual selection of finely-crafted tutorials, guides, project focus articles, and reviews.

Also, starting from this issue, you can grab all the code from the magazine in one handy zip from our website or our GitHub page for the issue. We’ve started doing this after a reader request: if you have any other similar ideas for the mag, drop us an email and we’ll see what we can do.

The MagPi 54 is available in stores now from WHSmith, Tesco, Sainsbury's, and Asda. Alternatively you can grab an issue online or get it digitally via our app on Android and iOS. There’s even a free PDF of it as well.

We hope you enjoy this issue!

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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