MeArm Pi Kickstarter launches

By Russell Barnes. Posted

The popular MeArm robot arm gets a new, Pi-specific educational kit that you can help bring to fruition

You may remember the original MeArm kit - a cool-looking, small acrylic robot arm that could interface with the Pi. We reviewed it a while back and quite liked it and it's been quite popular with the Raspberry Pi community as well.

Now a newer version is in development and this time it's specifically made for the Raspberry Pi: the MeArm Pi. It's a kit that allows you to build a Pi straight into the same great looking robot arm which the creators believe will be great for education.

"We believe in helping people understand how the world works." says Mime Industries, the creators of the MeArm. "With so much development going on in robotics at the moment, now is the perfect time to get to know what it takes to build your own robot."

 The Raspberry Pi lives under the joysticks, which are attached to a HAT

Kit prototypes are ready but the team need you to help them release it. To do this they've set up a Kickstarter with some excellent rewards, including getting a new MeArm Pi for £40 if you're quick enough. You can even just get the joystick Pi HAT if you want (and we think that will lead to some great projects of its own).

Head over to the Kickstarter and see if you can help!

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