Cambridge Computer Laboratory (CCL) is gearing up to host a weekend of space-themed action when it plays host to Pi Wars 2019. Visitors on the last weekend of March (30 & 31st) will witness all manner of furious Raspberry Pi robot challenges in CCL’s William Gates Building.
For the uninitiated, Pi Wars is an international, challenge-based robotics competition. Teams build Raspberry Pi-controlled robots and compete in various non-destructive challenges to earn points.
Get tickets for Pi Wars 2019
Thanks to the creativity of teams around the world, the Pi Wars stage is packed with a wild array of moving creations. Manoeuvring Pi-mobiles round obstacle courses will be trickier than ever due to new obstacles and brand-new tracks, all designed by the Pi Wars organisers Tim Richardson and Michael Horne.
Tim tells us, “I’m particularly looking forward how the robots tackle the Spirit of Curiosity course – a completely new, fetch-and-carry course for this year which has been the hardest build so far.”
There’s also a new autonomous maze course, an obstacle course, and a kink in the straight-line speed test, keeping each challenge fresh for previous entrants.
More than 150 teams applied, and £5 spectator tickets can be bought in advance at Tickets on the day are £7 apiece. If you’re a volunteer or under 18 years old, you get to enjoy Pi Wars for free.
Volunteer for Pi Wars
To become a Pi Wars volunteer, sign up here. You’ll only be expected to help for two to three hours, after which you’ll have plenty of free time to enjoy the rest of the event.
Tim and Mike Horne – and The MagPi crew – are very excited to see how this year’s Space Exploration theme will be interpreted by Pi Wars entrants.
Tim tells us that more than one six-wheeled Curiosity-evoking vehicle will be make its debut. Pi-based challengers will be judged by ex-Robot Wars judge Dr Lucy Rogers, as well as a yet-to-be-announced additional celebrity adjudicator.
See also:
- Pi Wars 2018 winners!
- Pi Wars: How to win the Olympics of Raspberry Pi robotics
- Tiny 4WD Robot Rover: new Pi Zero robotics kit from Pi Wars designer