Raspberry Pi problems solved in The MagPi 92

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

Whatever your Raspberry Pi problem is, you’ll find a solution in the latest issue of The MagPi magazine.

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Raspberry Pi Problems Solved

Raspberry Pi problems solved

Learn to diagnose and fix issues with Raspberry Pi. Get rid of glitches and odd behaviour, sort out boot problems, reconnect networking problems, and discover advanced troubleshooting tips.

Magic Mirror facial recognition

Facial recognition with a magic mirror

PJ continues his incredible journey into the world of magic mirror technology. This month, he adds facial recognition to the project with OpenCV. Gaze into the glass and it gazes back, adjusting its behaviour to your lovely visage. Get personalised calendar events, notifications, and alerts.

Track local weather & pollution

Track local weather & pollution with Raspberry Pi

Build a weather station in your own garden. This project is a fantastic way to explore science and meteorology from the comfort of your own garden.

Inside our feature you’ll find a range of weather projects and builds that can track just about anything. Then we use the new Enviro board to track air quality and particulate matter.


The best project showcases: like Instaclock, Chamber Sourdough Incubator, and Solar-powered Camera

You’ll find the best Raspberry Pi projects in The MagPi, and this month we have an incredible selection for you to look at. 

Instaclock uses twin screens to display images of four numbers taken from Instagram to show the time. You’ll also find Chamber: Sourdough Incubator – a project using Raspberry Pi to keep a sourdough starter at the right temperature – and a solar-powered camera that keeps itself running in remote locations.

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