Raspberry Pi Ultimate Wishlist in The MagPi magazine #99

By Lucy Hattersley. Posted

Discover an endless array of amazing gadgets, devices, and projects with our guide the greatest gear from the year. Our Ultimate Wishlist is the ideal inventory for a Raspberry Pi owner with a mission to build something new. Inside you’ll find the best retro gaming builds, amazing robots, cool cases, fun HATs, stunning sound systems, eye-catching vision displays, and the quirkiest kit around.
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Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4

Compute Module 4

Packing the power of Raspberry Pi 4 with an embedded form factor, Compute Module 4 is an incredible update for engineers and professionals. The most powerful Compute Module ever made packs a PCI Express lane, eMMC storage, and a quad-core ARM Cortex-A72 processor. We’ve got in-depth information about this new computer, plus benchmark tests and information about the new carrier boards.

Project Showcase: Coffee Stirrer Camera

Coffee Stirrer Camera

Adrian Hanft has built an innovative camera that uses 23,248 coffee stirrer straws and a Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera to capture stunning, and unique, pictures. We talk to him about building experimental photography builds with Raspberry Pi.

Build a CD-ROM disc system

Build a retro CD-ROM console

KG has been building a range of retro consoles for us in recent months, each one getting more and more advanced. This month KG delves into the world of CD-ROM gaming and multimedia entertainment systems. Attach a CD/DVD drive to your Raspberry Pi and get ready to (re)discover a world of classic entertainment.

Raspberry Pi Holiday Projects

Holiday projects for a festive home

Get ready for the holidays with our guide to decorations, lights, sound, remote control, glitz and glamour. We’ve put together a selection of fantastic community projects that you can use to bedeck your home for the festive season.

Stellina review

Stellina review

Rob goes hands-on with a high-powered Raspberry Pi telescope. Stellina whirred and tracked across the night sky and took photographs of Saturn for us. It’s a magical piece of kit.

Christina Foust interview

Christina Foust interview

One of the creators of the current Digital Making at Home streams tells us how she went from teacher to a different kind of teacher.

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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