Raspberry Pi Zero out now. Get yours free with The MagPi #40!

By Russell Barnes. Posted

The brand new miniature Raspberry Pi Zero is here and it does everything a Raspberry Pi does best. Get yours free with every printed issue…

For the past week we've been teasing a big reveal in The MagPi 40, with people guessing it might be free stickers, free t-shirts or even just a punnet of free fresh raspberries. Some of you got close though; in issue 40 of The MagPi, we're announcing a brand new Raspberry Pi!

And this brand new Raspberry Pi Zero is attached to the cover of The MagPi, free.

 Send us your comparison pics!

The Raspberry Pi Zero is actually faster than the first Raspberry Pi despite being nearly three times smaller!

We are proud and ecstatic to be the very first magazine in the world s put an actual computer on the cover. Not only that, but we also have over 30 pages of articles dedicated to this incredible $5 computer. A $5 computer that is more powerful than the original Raspberry Pi.

We hear from Eben Upton and Mike Stimson on the creation of the Pi Zero, we teach you how to set it up and we also have a load of tutorials and project ideas to get you started using your Pi Zero straight away.

Looking for cables for your new Pi Zero? You can buy a cable bundle (mini-HDMI and a micro-USB adapter) for £4 from the Swag Store. Alternatively, subscribe to The MagPi in the next thirty days and get your cable bundle free!

 There's more to #40 than Pi Zero

Even though Pi Zero-mania is running wild on The MagPi, we also have a huge feature on Astro Pi, with an indepth look into Astro Pi, the Sense HAT and Principia Mission as Tim Peake's launch into space is imminent. Alongside that, we have some of the Make resources from the Raspberry Pi website in print form that can help you learn how to use the Sense HAT, and make some fun games with it.

Of course we also have our usual slate of reviews, news, tutorials and projects. Get The MagPi 40 today from your local newsagent of supermarket, grab it online from the Swag Store or download it with our app to Android or iOS.

Oh, and from everyone on the team, we really hope you enjoy your free Raspberry Pi Zero! Here's a message from Eben:


[gallery ids="969,965,964"]

You can view more pictures in our Raspberry Pi Zero gallery!

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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