Raspberry Pi Troubleshooting Special in The MagPi 60

By Russell Barnes. Posted

The MagPi issue 60 is out now! Raspberry Pi Troubleshooting Special. PLUS FREE DVD with Print edition.

Being able to fix things is a vital skill for any computer buff, and you’ll get lots of practise when using a Raspberry Pi. That’s why we think you’ll love this month’s Raspberry Pi Troubleshooting Special. We wanted a troubleshooting guide for our workshop, and we thought you might like a copy in yours.

You can read all about it in issue 60 of The MagPi – The Official Raspberry Pi magazine, out in stores today!

 Raspberry Pi Troubleshooting Special in The MagPi 60

The Raspberry Pi Troubleshooting Special

Whether you’re new to the world of Raspberry Pis, or you’ve been using them since they launched, there’s always a moment when something doesn’t quite work the way you want it to.

Get Creative: build incredible works of art with Raspberry Pi

The small size and low power usage of the Pi make it ideal for public installations. Raspberry Pi boards can control movement, light, sound, and vision. Just as importantly, they can provide a layer of interaction between the audience and the artwork.

The intersection of visual art and technology is one of the most exciting places to be, and the Raspberry Pi is right at that point.

The best of the rest in The MagPi 60

We've got some amazing projects and tutorials in The MagPi 60. You'll discover how to turn a Pi Zero W into a Wireless USB Drive, hack a fidget spinner into a game pad,  transform a toy into an amazing maze runner controller, make your own earthquake monitor.

Plus! Get started with Scratch 2.0 and Thonny IDE: the two new programming tools found in the latest Raspbian update.

Grab the latest issue in stores in the UK right now, from WHSmith, Sainsburys, Asda, and Tesco. Copies will be arriving very soon in US stores, including Barnes & Noble and Micro Center. You can also get a copy online from our store, or digitally via our Android or iOS app. Don’t forget, there’s always the free PDF as well.

Win! One of 10 PaPiRus Zero Screen and Case Kits for Raspberry Pi. 

From Raspberry Pi Official Magazine store


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